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As part of our community-driven, solutions-oriented, transformative journalism approach, we provide training and education in journalism, media production, and community organizing for social and environmental justice. We pay individual community members who want to become a community journalist for the benefit of their own communities a base salary to get started without facing any more economic hardship for taking the time to learn. We also provide funding, training, and technical support for local freelancing journalists or small community-based organizations to help them produce community-driven solutions journalism stories. We also help distribute these stories whenever needed.


We intentionally recruit and seek those who would benefit the most from our work, especially members of communities who face a harder time finding paying jobs or proper work conditions that would allow them to work on their own time. We welcome members of the disability communities, refugees and members of diaspora communities, currently or formerly incarcerated folks trying to work to benefit their communities, retirees, and students. Contact us about both internships for high school students and creating or improving the media/journalism program at your local K-Graduate school.



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